Saturday 11 October 2014

Facebook Start 2.99 $ / Month Fee To Use Facebook From November 1st 2014

By ,

Yes! It's True .... Facebook Start 2.99 $ / Month Fee To Use Facebook From November 1st 2014 Beacause reason is "The ads on Facebook are not as Profitable" said Paul Horner Facebook spokesman. :(

In an interview with CNN,Paul explained the reason for the new monthly fee.
“Economic times are tight, the ads on Facebook are not as profitable as we had planned.Our costs are going up as hundreds of thousands of individuals continue to join the site every day,” Horner said. “There’s so many pictures of cats, and all of those costs add up, we just can’t foot the bill any longer.”

so if you want to use facebook after November 2014 then you have to pay 2.9 $ a month , if you don't facebook will not delete your facebook account.

if can not afford this monthly fee , You can also use facebook for free , Horner told reporters of an option for those who can’t afford the new monthly fee.

“Here at Facebook we value each and every one of our members. We do not want to see anyone delete their account just because they cannot afford the monthly fee, For those who can’t manage the cost, we’ve made it real simple. In a new status update, copy and paste the words,


Make sure you include the hashtag #FacebookMonthlyFee. This will inform the Facebook billing department to waive any fees associated with your account. Unfortunately for free users, access to all Facebook games will no longer be available."

"There’s also a free option which will allow you access to your Facebook account for up to one hour a week, exceeding that will cost $0.49/minute. I think you can agree that it is extremely important to find the right Facebook plan for you ”

So conclusion is if you can afford 2.99$/Month then you can use facebook without any problem but if can't you have two options , one is to make Status on facebook like



and facebook will WAIVE your Monthly fee and if other option is you can use facebook 1hour/week for free but if it exceed from 1hour then facebook charge you $0.49/minute

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